
c control中文是什么意思

  • 控制



  • 例句与用法
  • Packages a and c control their own transactions
  • C control and testing of live food animals
  • A c control assembly
  • Compressor , refrigeration & a / c controls and freezer , the company was founded in 1987 , location at shenyang that is famous industry city of china . and we have two branch company at shanghai and guangzhou , and our sales network are found everywhere in china
  • Particle source is analyses , and then it introduces the application of c control chart , as well as its shortage , at last brings forward the method of using multiple regression analysis to set control limits for the particles
  • The main products include condensers , evaporators , radiators , heaters , oil - coolers , air - cooler , crf cooling modules , automobile hvac assembly , a c control panel assembly and automatic auto a c control system , widely applicable to mini vans , sedans , mpv , trucks and buses
    目前主要产品有:汽车空调hvac系统a c控制面板总成冷凝器总成蒸发器总成散热器总成加热器总成自动汽车空调控制器总成等。
  • Cot1s i deri ng that t he exte ] - ioi - in t el - ference mai n1 y comes from t 11e sea fl o v l11elj i t i s un ( lel ' - i1 t el " , thi s nfr ) j { j1t i ; fi + lk , 7 : f } itft , ? } { t ! : i / cx pal7er veri fj ed t he st i ~ ol1g 1 ~ oi ) ust ness of th is fuxzy va1 - iilb1 e st l ' uctul ' c control method against the mode1 uncertainties and external disturhances , such as the variat ions of the sea current i s sdeed and direct ion , ancl it a1 so coinpared it se1f wi t . h the l > ji ) contl ~ o1 ler in comnlon use and the regu1ar variable structure contro11 er
  • 推荐英语阅读
c control的中文翻译,c control是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译c control,c control的中文意思,c control的中文c control in Chinesec control的中文c control怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
